Perfect Dark Xbox 360
I love Perfect Dark :) i use to play it on Nintendo 64 , yes years ago . Anyway a few months ago
Nick was like i can't wait until March for the Xbox 360 launch , so he was checking out ebay for a Japanese console.
I done a search and told him he could buy a Japanese console in Sydney from mstation
so after a few days of working if or not to have it delivered or drive to Sydney and pick it up
he didn't want to take the risk of anything happening to his Xbox 360 ,so off to Sydney he went and bought his precious xbox 360 home hehe.
The above pic was taken with Joe's panasonic x700 , reminds my self not to buy panasonic products. Yes seems every panasonic product i buy, stuffs up. If anyone knows why Joes panasonic x700 keeps freezing let me know plz.
Anyway in the pic Paul was trying to get pics of the xbox 360 because no at work believed he was going to Nick's to play the Xbox Live which is awesome to say the least .Especially if ya using the headset and mic and working in a group , it takes gaming to another dimension.
Although don't be suprised if ya voice starts to change as most Xbox live players are yanks.
Honestly it is totally awesome , i am just glad we don't live in China as it seems the Xbox has been delayed there .
Okz im listening to video hits and it's soooo hot.